Not your typical Digital Marketing Agency
Positive People Posse / 3P Media is a leading Digital Marketing Agency. Rooted in Kansas City, Missouri, our partnership with brands and businesses has extended throughout the fifty states since 2018. We are ready to discover and develop effective marketing strategies to transform the way your business performs. Let's have a conversation. Here at PPP, success is a village effort, and every client is instantly a part of our "Posse!"
We Create To Inspire
It's all about telling a story: Your story.
We believe a positive mindset is foundational to every business, and it is for this reason Positive People Posse 3P Media was created. When brands and companies are secure and operating in their “why” and a positive mindset, we wholeheartedly believe they will naturally influence and empower the communities and world around them.

In The Living Room Podcast , we take a seat alongside Small Business Owners, Creatives, Entrepreneurs, and risk takers of all types to discuss their journey as well as all-things marketing. Available on YouTube and all listening platforms.